News and Events

We like to keep you informed about all the exciting news and events that we participate in. Our sponsorship program is available to schools around the country where we support schools that take part in local or national charity events. To apply for sponsorship please ask for our application form at

Latest news for Independent schools

sample imageHeadline news:  i-Schools is ready for the new wave of Academies. Whilst the Academies business model is not the same as Independent Schools, it is similar in as much that budget control and expenditure is paramount. Based on a fixed amount of budget, rather than fee income from parents, departmental spend and commitment accounting against budget is the key to effective control. If you are a new emerging Academy school then get in touch with us now at

At the end of the Academic year 2011/2012 i-Schools have launched some very new innovative features to enhance the already rich content of our product. These include:

  • Support for iPad apps for classrooms registrations - no more register books.
  • Text or email any parent from your mobile, iPhone or Android handset.
  • Biometric support for student registration.

Coming soon: Support for the new Windows 8 operating system and Office 2013. We are refining our look and feel to reflect these new technologies which means you will not be left behind.



Future events

  • HMC (the Headmasters' & Headmistresses' Conference) is a professional association of Heads of the world's leading independent schools. The annual conference will be held from Monday, 30th September to Thursday, 3rd October 2013 at the Hilton London Metropole, Edgware Road, London. Click here for more details.


Recent Sponsorship

April 2012. St Anne's School in the Midlands ran an Easter Egg hunt around the village to raise funds for Deprived children. It was a tough hunt as the eggs were heavily camouflaged. Our sponsorship was 5p for every egg found and £10 for the pupil that got most eggs. They raised £250 in total. Well done St Anne's



We publish Newsletters twice a year. So if you have missed previous editions click on the links below.